CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 15
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 15 (1997)(EMAP Images)(GB)[!][issue 1997-10].iso
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/* Copyright (C) 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
This file is part of Aladdin Ghostscript.
Aladdin Ghostscript is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. No author
or distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it,
or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he
or she says so in writing. Refer to the Aladdin Ghostscript Free Public
License (the "License") for full details.
Every copy of Aladdin Ghostscript must include a copy of the License,
normally in a plain ASCII text file named PUBLIC. The License grants you
the right to copy, modify and redistribute Aladdin Ghostscript, but only
under certain conditions described in the License. Among other things, the
License requires that the copyright notice and this notice be preserved on
all copies.
/* gxdcolor.h */
/* Device color representation for Ghostscript */
#ifndef gxdcolor_INCLUDED
# define gxdcolor_INCLUDED
#include "gscsel.h"
#include "gsdcolor.h"
#include "gsropt.h"
#include "gsstruct.h" /* for extern_st, GC procs */
/* Define opaque types. */
#ifndef gx_device_DEFINED
# define gx_device_DEFINED
typedef struct gx_device_s gx_device;
* Define a source structure for RasterOp.
typedef struct gx_rop_source_s {
const byte *sdata;
int sourcex;
uint sraster;
gx_bitmap_id id;
gx_color_index scolors[2];
bool use_scolors;
} gx_rop_source_t;
* Note that the following definition depends on the gx_color_index for
* black, which may not be 0. Clients must check this and construct
* a different null source if necessary.
#define gx_rop_no_source_body(black_pixel)\
NULL, 0, 0, gx_no_bitmap_id, {black_pixel, black_pixel}, true
#define gx_rop_source_set_color(prs, pixel)\
((prs)->scolors[0] = (prs)->scolors[1] = (pixel))
extern const gx_rop_source_t gx_rop_no_source_0; /* with black_pixel = 0 */
#define set_rop_no_source(source, no_source, dev)\
do {\
gx_color_index black_ =\
(*dev_proc(dev, map_rgb_color))(dev, (gx_color_index)0,\
(gx_color_index)0, (gx_color_index)0);\
if ( black_ == 0 )\
source = &gx_rop_no_source_0;\
{ no_source = gx_rop_no_source_0;\
gx_rop_source_set_color(&no_source, black_);\
source = &no_source;\
} while (0)
* Device colors are 'objects' (with very few procedures). In order to
* simplify memory management, we use a union, but since different variants
* may have different pointer tracing procedures, we have to include those
* procedures in the type.
struct gx_device_color_procs_s {
* If necessary and possible, load the halftone or Pattern cache
* with the rendering of this color.
#define dev_color_proc_load(proc)\
int proc(P4(gx_device_color *pdevc, const gs_imager_state *pis,\
gx_device *dev, gs_color_select_t select))
* Fill a rectangle with the color.
* We pass the device separately so that pattern fills can
* substitute a tiled mask clipping device.
#define dev_color_proc_fill_rectangle(proc)\
int proc(P8(const gx_device_color *pdevc, int x, int y, int w, int h,\
gx_device *dev, gs_logical_operation_t lop, const gx_rop_source_t *source))
* Fill a masked region with a color. Nearly all device colors
* use the default implementation, which simply parses the mask
* into rectangles and calls fill_rectangle. Note that in this
* case there is no RasterOp source: the mask is the source.
#define dev_color_proc_fill_masked(proc)\
int proc(P12(const gx_device_color *pdevc, const byte *data, int data_x,\
int raster, gx_bitmap_id id, int x, int y, int w, int h,\
gx_device *dev, gs_logical_operation_t lop, bool invert))
* Trace the pointers for the garbage collector.
/* Define the default implementation of fill_masked. */
/* public_st_device_color() is defined in gsdcolor.h */
/* Define the standard device color types. */
/* See gsdcolor.h for details. */
extern const gx_device_color_procs
#define gx_dc_type_none (&gx_dc_procs_none)
gx_dc_procs_none, /* gxdcolor.c */
#define gx_dc_type_null (&gx_dc_procs_null)
gx_dc_procs_null, /* gxdcolor.c */
#define gx_dc_type_pure (&gx_dc_procs_pure)
gx_dc_procs_pure, /* gxdcolor.c */
/*#define gx_dc_type_pattern (&gx_dc_procs_pattern)*/
/*gx_dc_procs_pattern,*/ /* gspcolor.c */
#define gx_dc_type_ht_binary (&gx_dc_procs_ht_binary)
gx_dc_procs_ht_binary, /* gxht.c */
#define gx_dc_type_ht_colored (&gx_dc_procs_ht_colored)
gx_dc_procs_ht_colored; /* gxcht.c */
#define gs_color_writes_pure(pgs)\
color_writes_pure((pgs)->dev_color, (pgs)->log_op)
/* Set up device color 1 for writing into a mask cache */
/* (e.g., the character cache). */
void gx_set_device_color_1(P1(gs_state *pgs));
/* Remap the color if necessary. */
int gx_remap_color(P1(gs_state *));
#define gx_set_dev_color(pgs)\
if ( !color_is_set((pgs)->dev_color) )\
{ int code_dc = gx_remap_color(pgs);\
if ( code_dc != 0 ) return code_dc;\
/* Indicate that the device color needs remapping. */
#define gx_unset_dev_color(pgs)\
/* Load the halftone cache in preparation for drawing. */
#define gx_color_load_select(pdevc, pis, dev, select)\
(*(pdevc)->type->load)(pdevc, pis, dev, select)
#define gx_color_load(pdevc, pis, dev)\
gx_color_load_select(pdevc, pis, dev, gs_color_select_texture)
#define gs_state_color_load(pgs)\
gx_color_load((pgs)->dev_color, (const gs_imager_state *)(pgs),\
/* Fill a rectangle with a color. */
#define gx_device_color_fill_rectangle(pdevc, x, y, w, h, dev, lop, source)\
(*(pdevc)->type->fill_rectangle)(pdevc, x, y, w, h, dev, lop, source)
#define gx_fill_rectangle_device_rop(x, y, w, h, pdevc, dev, lop)\
gx_device_color_fill_rectangle(pdevc, x, y, w, h, dev, lop, NULL)
#define gx_fill_rectangle_rop(x, y, w, h, pdevc, lop, pgs)\
gx_fill_rectangle_device_rop(x, y, w, h, pdevc, (pgs)->device, lop)
#define gx_fill_rectangle(x, y, w, h, pdevc, pgs)\
gx_fill_rectangle_rop(x, y, w, h, pdevc, (pgs)->log_op, pgs)
#endif /* gxdcolor_INCLUDED */